
A description of standard errors returnable by the API.

Proof APIs will respond with standard HTTP error codes should you make a bad request. 400 and 422 errors will have more specific messaging depending on the API and endpoint used.

HTTP Status CodeSummary
200 - SUCCESSSuccessful API request.
400 - BAD REQUESTBad request or invalid parameters.
401 - NOT AUTHENTICATEDNot authenticated.
403 - NOT AUTHORIZEDNo access to this specific feature.
404 - NOT FOUNDThe requested item does not exist.
422 - BAD REQUESTViolated business rule.
500 - SERVER ERRORUnknown error. Retry the call.

If you'd like more help deciphering errors and error codes from the Proof API, please contact Support.